Established in 2015, pv magazine Webinars are a neutral platform for trusted conversations and sharing knowledge. We work with our partners to deliver an informative and engaging webinar experience to our participants. Our webinars are thematically oriented and do not serve the purpose of sales.
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In this pv magazine Webinar, Jinko Solar will present its own TOPCon technology and analyze market trends and the potential for TOPCon over the coming years, especially for markets in the MENA region. Some business cases will be introduced to present the technology main features that, according to the manufacturer, will make TOPCon modules prevail in the global market.
ArcelorMittal, a leading supplier of steel and a major actor in the solar industry, will join us to talk about its foray into the world of low CO2 steel and present solutions to improve mounting structure design, durability, and environmental impact.
In this pv magazine Webinar, two new battery energy storage system (ESS) products from JinkoSolar will be announced. Key elements of energy storage technology will also discussed, with technical expertise on hand.
In this pv magazine Webinar, we will take a different approach to the conversation of hail and wind mitigation, sitting down with two of the most knowledgeable quality professionals in the industry, starting with a deep dive on the evolving nature of hail risk, before examining what steps can be taken in design, build and operation of the plants to mitigate risks and future proof projects in hail-prone geographies.
Learn more about how online diagnosis can be deployed and preventative maintenance systems put in place. Kai-Philipp Kairies, CEO at Accure, will draw on real-world data and actions taken, to demonstrate the power of the technology.
Australia’s renowned appetite for new technology, alongside its aggressive utility-scale segment, makes the country a particularly interesting one for manufacturers looking to prove their technological developments at scale. So, what promise does n-type TOPCon hold? And why is it particularly useful in Australia’s hot and increasingly humid climate? In this pv magazine Webinar we’ll be having a closer look at n-type PV cell technology, its benefits as well as challenges.
Que ce soit pour des raisons environnementales ou sous l’impulsion d’incitations fiscales et réglementaires, le nombre de propriétaires de véhicules électriques est en augmentation. L’énergie solaire photovoltaïque a également un réel avenir, la production en autoconsommation permettant de minimiser la facture énergétique et les OPEX consacrées à la recharge, tout en réduisant l’empreinte carbone du bâtiment.
What is agrivoltaics and how can it provide value for the solar industry and the wider community? Our upcoming pv magazine Webinar will discuss the different types of agrivoltaic projects and how they can become part of a circular economy.
In regions where it’s too windy, stow is the most stable position the modules can assume. However, this is done at a much lower wind than the project design wind speed. In this pv magazine Webinar, tracker manufacturer Arctech will show us how increasing the wind speed threshold, allows for increased tracking time, as well as improved stowing parameters, which minimize energy losses when the tracker is in stow, helping increase the overall energy yield of a tracker project.
Suppliers are updating SCADA and monitoring platforms to provide new levels of data acquisition and analytics to provide PV project owners and operators with unparalleled insights into design, performance and O&M. Join this pv magazine Webinar, in partnership with TrinaTracker, to learn more about these developments with a leading PV solution provider. The webinar will see the global launch of the Trina Smart Cloud, including a demo of the platform drawing on real-world data from Trina-supplied projects in the field.
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