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From innovative inverter to disruptive system design

While PV modules and inverters still represent the highest share of the initial capital expenditure of a large-scale PV system, there are other costs, including balance of system components and operations and maintenance, that will have a key role in PV system economics in the  coming years. Thanks to technological improvements  in solar modules and […]

Are half-cut cell modules the future?

Many manufacturers are converting large parts of their production capacities to half-cut cell technology. Is this a niche or will the traditional full cell module eventually disappear? In our upcoming webinar, we ask experts what the advantages of half-cut cell modules are and what installers need to be aware of during installation. Researchers at Fraunhofer […]

K2 presents new flat roof mounting system, support pad with a higher friction coefficient

During pv magazine‘s upcoming webinar, K2 Systems will present two recent PV developments designed for flat roofs: The aerodynamically optimized mounting systems, D-Dome V and S-Dome V. The V-geometry of the east-west mounting system has been designed to allow for expansion and contraction in rail orientation, which might occur as a result of the heating […]

Short term thinking, long lived value: How ‘energy solutions as a service’ change the game

Extending the ‘as-a-service’ concept to energy can help integrate renewable energy resources into electricity portfolios – where previously it may have proven difficult. Additionally, by utilizing a rental energy system, businesses can reduce their peak demand, save costs and protect the grid from isolated peak demand events. A growing number of companies across a wide […]

From Volatility to Stability – Reducing currency risk through integrating locally-produced components

SMA is tapping Australian-made medium-voltage expertise, and have integrated it into a new central inverter solution. The SMA Power Skid Australia is expected to result in reduced delivery times and will significantly reduce the considerable currency risk faced by PV project developers. From SMA Bernhard Voll will join the discussion. Quantifying the currency risk, Voll […]

Kaco returns to the battery storage market with a new inverter

Following a series of pilot projects with large battery storage systems, Kaco New Energy has launched a new battery inverter for commercial and industrial facilities, called ‘blueplanet gridsave 50.0 TL3-S’. The first new devices have already shipped to Korean partners, and will shortly be online. The device has special features, that makes it unique, in […]

超期望值地延长组件寿命。POE封装胶膜如何实现。[Extend module lifetimes beyond current expectations. How POE-based encapsulant film can help.]

组件制造商必须说服下游投资者他们的产品拥有高性价比。尤其对系统端,长期的可靠性更是不可或缺,其中一个可靠性的难点即是PID。组件厂商必须证明产品具有很好的抗PID性,并且在组件的寿命期间它们不会造成发电量大幅降低。 有专家认为,使用EVA的组件有先天上的材料的缺点,将很难达到真正的零PID,但目前厂商仍因为EVA价格低廉,大多仍使用EVA作为组件的封装材料。EVA的黄变,与较高的透水率等,都会让组件在经过一段时间后颇受考验。 在这种情况下,陶氏的无EVA封装材料:ENGAGE™聚烯烃弹性体(POE),似乎提供了完美的解决方案。在即将举办的网络研讨会中,我们将深入探讨以下内容: •为何POE封装胶膜可以帮助PID(Potential Induced Degradation,电势诱导衰减)不会发生? •如何确定使用POE后,20年内的長期性能将优于EVA封装组件的水平? •POE相比于目前的任何材料,有什么样的优缺点? •此项新产品是否为真的让使用者得到更好的投资回报率? •若换为POE胶膜,是否真的会有较好的LCOE(或者,即使考虑到其缺点,EVA的低成本仍更有吸引力)? •是否已有相关实绩能证明此产品的优势? PV Magazine的产业分析师兼专栏作家林嫣容(Corrine Lin)将会就上述问题,与陶氏化学弹性体光伏市场全球技术开发经理马伟明博士进行深入讨论。

New monitoring options promise greater control at lower costs

Are conventional monitoring methods for solar plants actually substandard?  Or do solutions providers simply make such claims as a marketing tactic?  In pv magazine’s upcoming webinar, you will have the chance to form your own opinion. Optimizing troubleshooting and related issues will be up for discussion in this pv magazine webinar. pv magazine editors will report on the troubleshooting series in […]

Durability matters – Maximizing Lifetime, minimizing LCOE in PV modules

The value of durable materials in maximizing your investment in solar energy
pv magazine webinar, in partnership with Dow – photovoltaics division

Reducing Costs with Smart Maintenance in Solar Asset Management

Description: The pressure on owners and operators of large PV projects to enhance the output and to reduce the cost of operations and maintenance has never been greater. Our first of three free webinars with global weather measurement and resource assessment provider Vaisala will give you practical ideas for improving asset management of existing plants, […]

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