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The year in solar, part III: Battery breakthroughs, inverter trouble, sustainable role models and new tech

Storage has long been expected to be the handmaiden of a renewable energy world and its long awaited advances started to finally emerge in the third quarter as researchers posited R&D achievements ranging from potentially potent tungsten disulfide nanotubes to the business case for 10-year solar panels.


Tesla secures $1.4 billion Shanghai factory loan, hits $420 share price

Tesla finishes 2019 on a high note amid a flurry of year-end EV funding, news and optimism on longer-range electrics.

The year in solar, part II: A lively show season, more legal shenanigans and rising panel efficiencies abound

Intersolar Europe is always a key date in the solar calendar but this year’s show had it all, including three panel-smuggling arrests. Elsewhere, wafers were getting bigger, efficiency records were tumbling and new technologies were emerging. There was also more news on the solar car ports fad and Hanwha’s ongoing legal tussle.


The year in solar, part I: New modules, flat-pack solar and inverter turbulence

The first part of pv magazine’s review of 2019 considers Q1, when solar early adopter Italy offered an optimistic start to the year by fleshing out its plans for PV but uncertainty still clouded the world’s biggest solar market. The potential for household solar installations to rocket the world over – helped by ever cheaper panels – prompted strategic decisions in the inverter market and analyst expectations were confounded as the cobalt and lithium price plummeted, bringing the EV revolution a big step nearer.

Tesla to hide ‘solar test-house’ under tents at California site

CNBC has uncovered a recently granted building permit that allows Tesla to put up “two canopy covers” over its new “solar test houses.” Earlier this year, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that 2019 was “the year of the solar roof.”


New app helps charge Tesla EVs when electricity is greener and cheaper

With its app already present in Belgium and the Netherlands, start-up Jedlix is introducing smart charging in France. The solution enables Tesla drivers to optimize their charging strategy.


Oman reveals bidders in 146 MW solar-diesel-storage tender

The state-owned Rural Areas Electricity Company wants to build 11 solar-diesel-storage projects in isolated rural areas. Pre-qualified bidders in the tender include Engie, Canadian Solar, Akuo, Longi, Jinko, GCL, Abengoa, Total and Belectric.


Elon Musk calls for an ‘immediate’ and ‘significant increase’ in Tesla’s solar installs

Tesla was once the unquestioned leader in the U.S. residential rooftop market with a market share of around 33 percent, but today, the company is No. 3, and its market share during the first quarter was a little more than 6 percent.


Indonesia plans domestic electric vehicle industry

A presidential decree has enacted a range of incentives for e-mobility roll-out with domestic content requirements increasing over time.


Tesla to build first European gigafactory in Germany

Elon Musk has promised a fab near Berlin that will help create up to 10,000 new jobs. Tesla wants to build the facility near the city’s controversial new BER airport.

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