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Solar Power

Slovakia launches first renewables auction

The ceiling price for solar and wind power has been set at €84.98/MWh. It is expected around 30 MW of generation capacity will be allocated and solar projects ranging in size from 100 kW to 2 MW will be entitled to participate.

Shell PPA for electricity from 100 MW energy storage facility in the UK

The oil giant says it will use the electricity provided by two 50 MW batteries to optimize the integration of renewables nearby. The task will be undertaken by the group’s Limejump unit. The energy storage units are set to be operational this year.


‘Renewables must grow four times faster to ensure sustainable future’

The share of renewables in the global energy mix must more than double by 2030 for the world to advance the energy transition and achieve sustainable development goals, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency. Renewable electricity should supply 57% of global power by the end of the decade, up from 26% today.


Cost of developing renewables in Southeast Asia put through new mapping tool

Using an application based on resource data and country-specific techno-economic inputs, a report has analyzed the costs of developing utility scale renewables in Southeast Asia and found abundant, cost-competitive potential.


Australian renewables investment to slump after 2020 on policy uncertainty — report

In a recent briefing on Australia’s renewables investment boom, BIS Oxford Economics estimates that solar and wind will attract AUD $20 billion ($14.2 billion) of private investment in fiscal 2018 and fiscal 2019, spread across more than 70 projects. But the consultants warn that investment will slow beyond 2020, pointing to the upcoming Australian federal election as critically important for the future of the country’s renewables pipeline.


Hydrogen home storage, refueling hub get financial shot into the arm

Toyota Australia will transform its former manufacturing site in West Melbourne into a renewable energy hub to produce green hydrogen with the help of funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). In other hydrogen-related news, researchers at UNSW Sydney with partners H2Store have received a $3.5 million investment from Providence Asset Group to develop a hydrogen residential storage.


More developers approved for Egyptian small scale PV program

National scheme reportedly aims to drive installation in segments including residential and commercial and industrial facilities.

Ground breaks on 25 MW solar plant in Dominican Republic

The project is part of the three large-scale solar plants that the Dominican government is planning to bring online in 2018.


Cap Vert Energie reaches financial close for 33 MW of middle-sized DGPV projects in Chile

All of the 11 projects are being developed under Chile’s PMGD Program for distributed generation.

Tunisia’s power utility STEG plans another 10 MW solar park

The recently tendered project will be financed by German development bank, KFW and will be located in Tozeur, where STEG is now building its first PV plant.


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