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New hold-up in proposed $536m windfall for GCL New Energy

The proposed acquisition by state-owned China Huaneng of 294 MW of GCL project capacity in China has been delayed a second time.

Chinese solar giant steps in to acquire rival in $250m swoop

Longi Solar has dramatically stepped in to take over fellow Chinese manufacturer Zhejiang Yize New Energy Technology, which operates 7 GW of module production capacity and 3 GW of cell facilities in northern Vietnam.


Panda Green’s hopes of postponing debt are dashed

The heavily-indebted, Chinese state-owned solar project developer now has ten days to rustle up $242 million after a debt restructuring proposal was accepted by less than a third of its creditors.

State-owned China Huaneng still running the rule over which GCL assets to cherry-pick

The Beijing-owned electric utility is still carrying out due diligence of solar project assets in the GCL New Energy portfolio, having walked away from a full state bail-out of the GCL business last month.


Oman reveals bidders in 146 MW solar-diesel-storage tender

The state-owned Rural Areas Electricity Company wants to build 11 solar-diesel-storage projects in isolated rural areas. Pre-qualified bidders in the tender include Engie, Canadian Solar, Akuo, Longi, Jinko, GCL, Abengoa, Total and Belectric.


China walks away from state bail-out of GCL solar project business

The proposed acquisition of a controlling stake in the heavily-indebted PV project business of solar manufacturer GCL-Poly has fallen through, with state-owned China Hua Neng now proposing to cherry-pick the more attractive assets from the unit’s 7 GW portfolio.


Chinese module makers land another two big overseas orders

GCL and Canadian Solar provide further proof of the solar boom that is gathering pace around the world even as attention focuses on the Chinese market.

Eric Luo: China will see just 20-25 GW of solar per year through 2025

The GCL System chief executive made comments that fly in the face of an expected solar gold rush in China that analysts predict will start this month. Though rising overseas demand will address overcapacity fears, according to Luo, the soundbite is sure to chill PV boardrooms across the world’s biggest solar market.


Ukraine orders lift Risen up overseas module shipment rankings

The Ningbo-based manufacturer shipped more than a quarter of the panels it exported in the first six months of the year to the eastern European nation. All the big manufacturers posted rising shipment volumes as emerging markets made up for slow growth in their homeland.


GCL-Poly making polysilicon at a loss as it piles up $3.36bn more in liabilities than assets

With the company’s up-for-sale project development business revealing extensive debt concerns yesterday morning, that revelation is only half the story.

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