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Miasolé hits 20.56% efficiency with flexible CIGS technology

California based Hanergy subsidiary Miasolé has broken its own internal record for thin film cell efficiency, surpassing the 20% mark. The efficiency of 20.56% on a flexible substrate has been confirmed by U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Shanghai’s Rafael Gallery to host 1 MW of Hanergy modules

Chinese thin film manufacturer Hanergy has announced plans to integrate its CIGS modules into the 150,000 square meter rooftop of a ‘sky bridge’ project planned as part of a major ‘tech city’ project under construction in Shanghai.

Hanergy wraps 460 kW of CIGS around Chinese skyscraper

Copper indium gallium selenide thin film technology is on the fly as conversion efficiency closes in on that of crystalline silicon. The technology can be integrated neatly onto facades of otherwise energy intensive commercial buildings. The potential is huge even if the conversion efficiency retains some limitations.


Miasolé sets new flexible CIGS efficiency record

U.S. based Hanergy subsidiary Miasolé has achieved a record 17.44% conversion efficiency for a large area flexible CIGS module. The record has been confirmed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems.

Netherlands’ ECN achieves 30.2% efficiency for bifacial tandem cell based on perovskite

The cell was created by applying a newly developed perovskite cell on top of an industrial bifacial crystalline silicon version. The resulting cell is said to better harvest sunlight, as one unit is optimized for high energy photons and the other absorbs low energy particles.


Helmholtz Center achieves 21.6% for perovskite CIGS tandem solar cell

The German researchers were able to improve the efficiency through a simplified production process.


Solliance claims 21.5% efficiency for perovskite CIGS cell

The European solar research organization, Solliance announced it has achieved a 21.5% efficiency for a flexible copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) tandem solar cell based on perovskite.


Solar Frontier hits new CIS cell efficiency record

The Japanese module maker has set a new record for CIS thin film cell efficiency. The company, with Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, achieved 23.35% conversion on a cell measuring 1 cm². The record was confirmed by the Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology.


Midsummer picks up $7 million order for new CIGS factory in China

Sweden based CIGS equipment supplier Midsummer has received an order worth more than $7 million for its production equipment. The order was placed by U.S. based manufacturer Sunflare, for a new factory under construction in China.


Revenue and EBIT increase for Singulus in Q3

Singulus saw improvements to both its sales and profit in the third quarter, and confirms it is on track to meet its forecast figures for the full year.

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