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JinkoSolar comments on removal from BloombergNEF’s Q2 tier-1 list

JinkoSolar says its exclusion from BloombergNEF’s second-quarter list of tier-1 solar module manufacturers was due to a civil case involving a subsidiary, rather than financial issues.


Europe to add 58 GW of solar in 2023

Europe’s solar installation levels are exceeding expectations and are on track to grow 30% this year from 2022, according to Rystad Energy.


Weekend Read: The solar-battery-EV dream

For those who combine solar, batteries, and electric vehicles (EVs) at home, driving on sunshine is a realistic goal. However, there are many factors to consider when analyzing the economic payoffs, as well as the technical possibilities and limitations of such systems.


Impact of overcapacity on solar stocks

BloombergNEF Senior Analyst Jenny Chase and Aurora Energy Research Renewables Lead Rebecca McManus speak with pv magazine about financial market trends for solar companies and the role of overcapacity as a driver of turbulence in the industry.


Weekend Read: Cash pours in to rooftop solar

The growth of European rooftop solar continues this year, with innovative companies raising capital to develop the market. It’s an encouraging trend with the potential to accelerate rooftop solar adoption. pv magazine correspondent Valerie Thompson takes a closer look.


Weekend Read: Dawn of the store-age

Last year was another landmark 12 months for energy storage, with all indicators pointing to a massive surge in demand. Supply chain instability and inflation saw battery prices rise but the industry demonstrated an ability to swiftly react to geopolitical developments. We look at five trends driving the market.


Weekend read: Southeast Asian interconnection

While near neighbors, the electricity generation of the countries of Southeast Asia couldn’t be further apart. Indonesia burns locally mined coal; Malaysia has reserves of oil and gas; and populous Singapore, Vietnam, and the Philippines depend on fossil fuel imports. They could all benefit from increased solar electricity but higher grid capacities and interconnection are key for an opportunity to unlock the power of the sun.


Record solar investment keeping Chinese economy afloat

Investments in renewables are hitting new highs in China, as recurrent Covid-19 outbreaks and a crisis-stricken housing market threaten the world’s second-biggest economy, according to BloombergNEF.


The mobility rEVolution: Charging on the go via peer-to-peer system to reduce range anxiety

In other news, Stellantis demonstrates wireless charging tech that transfers energy from road infrastructure to EVs, Toyota defies shareholder pressure to step up electrification efforts, and Volkswagen threatens to dethrone Tesla on EV sales by 2024.


The Hydrogen Stream: Ukraine invasion raises price of gas-powered grey ammonia

With fears over Europe’s gas supply tightening, the Australian government is forging ahead in the green hydrogen sector by launching tech incubator HyGate and awarding Volt Advisory Group cash to develop a renewable energy microgrid. Australian business Fortescue Future Industries and Europe’s Airbus will work on hydrogen-powered aircraft and Kawasaki Heavy Industries is making strides in transporting hydrogen from the state of Victoria.


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