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Mali to build 200 MW of solar with Russian support

The authorities in Mali have revealed plans to build a 200 MW solar plant with backing from Russia.

Mali-Mauritania interconnection project to support solar

The African Development Fund has approved $302.9 million of financing for a 225 kV electricity interconnection project linking Mauritania and Mali. The project is part of the Desert to Power initiative, which facilitates the development of solar plants in the region.


White hydrogen project sparks interest in France

Philippe de Donato and Jacques Pironon, researchers at a French laboratory, are actively searching for white hydrogen in collaboration with gas company Française De l’Énergie. Pironon told pv magazine that they plan to continue exploration next year to confirm their thesis that deeper digging yields more hydrogen.

The Hydrogen Stream: Gasunie reports strong interest in salt cavern H2 storage

Dutch gas supplier Gasunie says several market participants have reserved capacity in the first salt cavern for large-scale hydrogen storage near the Dutch city of Groningen. According to current planning, the first cavern will be operational by 2028.

Desert to Power secures $300 million of public money

Private Infrastructure Development Group recently made a non-binding commitment in Brussels to a provide funds for a project that aims to bring 10 GW of solar to Africa’s Sahel region.

10 GW Desert to Power PV initiative picks up $150 million in funding

The Green Climate Fund has announced it will provide US$150 million in funding to the Desert to Power initiative – a project led by the African Development Bank and spanning several countries that aims to build 10 GW of PV generation capacity in various projects across the Sahel region to the south of the Sahara Desert.


Sahel-wide group buying program could drive solar home system supply

A report commissioned by EU lender the EIB has dismissed the role solar mini-grids can play in achieving universal electrification by 2030 and signaled distribution to individual households should be the way forward, including sales to the residents of UN refugee camps in East Africa.

Legendre to build 50 MW solar plant in Mali

The €50 million project is planned to begin commercial operations in 2023.


Solar dried up in North Africa during 2020

Politicians across the continent will have to decide between their heavily-indebted state utilities or embracing the energy transition, according to one energy analyst.


Malian gold mine powered by 30 MW/15.4 MWh of solar-plus-storage

The solar-plus-storage facility will reduce heavy fuel oil consumption by 13.1 million liters per year.

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