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Enel to build 1.6 GW/6.6 GWh of storage under Italy’s capacity market scheme

The planned storage capacity will come from 20 projects selected by Italian grid operator Terna through the latest capacity market auction. Half of them will be located on the island of Sardinia.


Single-row PV array comes online along Italian bridge

A 300m long PV system with a capacity of 71.5 kW has been deployed along a bridge crossing the Pò river in San Mauro Torinese, in northern Italy. The project was tendered by the municipality in June.

Enel, Comal plan 1GW solar tracker factory in Italy

Called Tracker Sun Hunter, the new factory will be located in an area of over 30,000 square meters inside Enel’s Montalto di Castro power plant which is no longer used for energy generation.


Photovoltaics for multistage flash desalinators

Scientists have investigated how utility-scale solar may be used to power multistage flashing-brine recirculation (MSF-BR) water desalination plants in Aqaba, Jordan. They found the facility would be sufficient to provide the entire city with drinking water. The proposed system configuration comprises a 30 MW solar plant and a standar MSF-BR unit.


Italy’s third Capacity Market auction expected to open new opportunities for large-scale storage

The retirement of coal baseload capacity, some regulatory adjustments and high energy prices volatility could bode well for the deployment of batteries in Italy, and especially in Sicily. Problems, mostly related to the timing and the structure of the auction, remain, however. We spoke about it with Michele Scolaro, Aurora Energy Research Associate.

Latent heat thermal storage with PV for nearly zero-energy buildings

Researchers in Italy are combining PV with latent heat thermal storage (LHTM) and other renewable energy sources to maximize clean energy consumption in buildings. The 47kW PV array and LHTM system work independently, but the scientists said that a heat pump could be used to link them.


Solar investors back Italy despite electricity price cap

With the Italian government temporarily limiting the returns available from solar plants on the wholesale energy market, Swiss investor SUSI Partners says the underlying strength of the country’s PV industry remains.


SolarPower Europe calls on Italy to abandon measure introduced to halt rocketing energy price

Mario Draghi’s administration has replaced market-driven electricity prices for the rest of the year and replaced them with tariffs based on historical averages. With solar plant operators among those affected, the European trade body for PV is not amused.


Fimer files for creditor protection

The Italian inverter maker claims to have been impacted by the post-pandemic supply constraints. The proceedings are being managed in full business continuity without any interruption of operational activity, said the legal firm hired by Fimer to implement a debt restructuring process.


Italian region devotes €22 million to ‘energy communities’

Italy’s Lombardy region will use €22 million to build up to 6,000 “energy communities,” for a total installed capacity of up to 1.3GW.


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