India has installed total 1,861 MW rooftop PV as of September 2017 as the state of Maharashtra overtakes Tamil Nadu to become largest for rooftop solar, as per latest report by Bridge to India. Analysts have revised India’s rooftop projection to 10.8 GW by 2021.
Four more countries have ratified the International Solar Alliance (ISA) framework agreement, taking the total number to 19. On Wednesday December 6, the ISA will be established as a legal international intergovernmental body.
The Indian government has unveiled a roadmap for achieving its 2022 renewable energy goals. It has also announced plans for a 20 GW auction to boost domestic RE manufacturing.
The threat of India’s government imposing anti-dumping duties (ADD) against solar cells and modules from China, Taiwan and Malaysia is very real, and runs counter to its own ambitions of hitting 100 GW of solar by 2022. Or does it? Could duties help to boost India’s solar industry in other ways? And does the ongoing political uncertainty create opportunity or trepidation for industry?
The anti-dumping hearing was scheduled to be held on November 30. It has, however, been postponed to December 12, 2017. The India Solar Manufacturers Association (ISMA) still expects a result in its favor.
There is potential for solar PV and storage to snap a significant share of the distributed energy industry in frontier markets, says BNEF. Both telecoms and agriculture present interesting opportunities; SE Asia is an emerging micro grid hotspot; pay-as-you-go solar is seeing strong growth; and China is recording substantial business.
Held in September, the seventh pv magazine Quality Roundtable made its debut in India at the Renewable Energy India Expo. The discussion raised a series of pertinent points relevant to India’s soaring solar market, particularly concerning the need to place quality ahead of cost.
Record growth continues as India installed 2,247 MW of solar projects in Q3 2017, up 15% from Q2 2017. The total installation at the end of 2017 is expected to range from 9.5 GW to 10 GW. The 7 GW solar installation in first nine months covered more than one-third of total new power capacity addition in 2017.
CPI has summarized the present rooftop sector of India, its economics, and the financial facilities to the industry from government and banks. The analyst and advisory firm has presented the solutions for the current financial obstacles to the growth of rooftop solar. The team has presented two Indo-U.S. collaborative initiatives, USICEF and USICFP, with which these solutions can be implemented.
India signs loan agreement with the World Bank for $100 million for large-scale solar power projects named as “Shared Infrastructure for Solar Parks Project”.
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