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Weekend Read: The solar-battery-EV dream

For those who combine solar, batteries, and electric vehicles (EVs) at home, driving on sunshine is a realistic goal. However, there are many factors to consider when analyzing the economic payoffs, as well as the technical possibilities and limitations of such systems.


The Hydrogen Stream: H2EX’s Australia ‘natural hydrogen’ survey set for Q4

The International Energy Agency has warned that lagging policy support, rising costs, and supply chain disruptions threaten the profitability of low-emission hydrogen, while the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has identified hydrogen seeps in South Australia.

Staubli invests in US developer of solar inspection robots

Switzerland’s Staubli Electrical Connectors says it has invested in California-based PV robot developer OnSight Technology to fund the advancement of its algorithms and artificial intelligence technology.

New control strategy for PV-powered water pumps operating under variable atmospheric conditions

Scientists in Turkey have developed a new algorithm to optimize the efficiency of PV-powered water pumps. The novel technique is based on the Extended Kalman–Bucy filter, which is a predictor-corrector algorithm used extensively in control systems engineering for estimating unmeasured states of a process.

Off-grid solar canopy charges electric tractor at California winery

Paired Power partnered with Monarch Power to deliver the emissions-free off-grid solution. The winery’s solar canopy is a 38.5 kW array comprised of 72 panels, 535 W each.


Highway solar could power 270,000 California homes, say green groups

A report from Environment America and The Ray shows how the counties of Los Angeles, Ventura, and San Diego have 4,800 acres of suitable space to host nearly 1 GW of solar capacity.


A simple way to bring solar to multi-family apartments

Offering solar savings to apartment dwellers, and particularly renters, is not a simple task – as low take-up in Germany has demonstrated. Mel Bergsneider, from Australian startup Allume Energy, explains how a product offered by her company could change all that.


California puts multi-meter rooftop solar at risk with proposed decision

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has returned with another proposed decision to stack the deck against rooftop solar.


US utility announces launch of distributed-energy management system

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) says it will coordinate resources such as rooftop solar, electric vehicles, and energy storage in partnership with Schneider Electric.


The Hydrogen Stream: Thyssenkrupp lists hydrogen business in Frankfurt

German engineering conglomerate thyssenkrupp has listed shares of its hydrogen business, thyssenkrupp nucera, on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Prime Standard).


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