Virtual Roundtables Europe 2020 – pv magazine International
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Virtual Roundtables Europe 2020

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With solar industry events canceled or postponed globally, pv magazine is taking its successful Roundtables program online. Across two days, four Roundtable sessions will be hosted from pv magazine’s Berlin studio, with an unprecedented lineup of speakers and panelists joining from around the world. Sign up for free, log on, hear from the experts, and join the discussion!

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Energy powerhouses & small vendors – redefine your role in the next stage of Europe’s energy transition

June 9 & 10 , 2020 | 9 AM – 4 PM (CEST, Berlin)

Our Roundtables Europe are still on track and we are continuously developing our exciting program for you. While quality discussions will remain front and center the comprehensive program will address the most up-to-date themes, innovative insights, and future visions within the sector.

Apart from our in-depth content sessions, we will offer plenty of networking and interaction opportunities within our event app. You can network 1-on-1, set appointments, take part in group discussions, and interact with all other attendees via messages or in the Zoom Networking Room. We will also host a digital scavenger hunt over the two days with the top 3 participants winning prizes.

Participate and reap the benefits!

  • Access to expert presentations and case studies
  • Involvement in in-depth panel discussions of agenda-setting themes
  • Digital networking opportunities with key industry participants around the globe
  • Impactful insights for your 2020 solar business


Day 1 - June 9, 2020 | 9 AM – 4 PM (CEST, Berlin)

9:00 AM (CEST, Berlin)

Doors open

10:00 AM (CEST, Berlin)

Session 1: Asset Management Roundtable

Yield optimization over the long term - How to improve the yield during array lifetime and what to get right during development.

Drawing from real-world experience from the field, how PV arrays can be best managed from an ongoing cost and performance standpoint. Learn from new project case studies focused on components and data acquisition.

Speakers include:
Jacqueline Huynh, Portfolio Manager Infrastructure Equity, Allianz Global Investors
Jan Napiorkowski, Global Head of Clean Energy, Ariel Re
Lucie Garreau, Technical Regional Manager, EMEA, DuPont Photovoltaic Solutions
Andrea Viaro, Head of Technical Service and Product Management, JinkoSolar EU
Duncan Bott, Partner, LCF Alliance
Stefan Müller, COO, Enerparc

10 AM (CEST, Berlin), 1.30 PM (IST, Delhi), 4 PM (CST, Beijing), 6 PM (AEST, Sydney)

11:45 AM (CEST, Berlin)

Interaction & Networking

1 PM (CEST, Berlin)

Session 2: Quality Roundtable

With strong winds having caused catastrophic failures at several PV arrays in recent years, managing the hidden risk is at the forefront of developer, investor and supplier minds. New module technologies boost power but also raise quality questions. Floating also presents several hidden risks.

Speakers include:
Filippo Carzaniga, Chairman of the Board, FIMER Group
Craig Snee, Technical Sales Director, ET Solar
Eric Ast, Head of Business Development Alternative Energies, Stäubli Electrical Connectors
James Butcher, Project Engineer, NEXTracker
Dean Solon, Founder & CEO, Shoals Technologies Group
Lou Trippel, Vice President of Product Management, First Solar
Thorsten Kray, Head of Building Aerodynamics, Institute for Industrial Aerodynamics Aachen (IFI)
Monsoon Wang, Product Director, LONGi Solar
George Touloupas, Director of Technology & Quality, CEA
Minne de Jong, Solar Applications Specialist, TNO Energy Transition

1 PM (CEST, Berlin), 7 AM (EDT, New York), 4.30 PM (IST, Delhi), 7 PM CST, Beijing), 9 PM (AEST, Sydney)

2:45 PM (CEST, Berlin)

Interaction & Networking

Speakers | Day 1

Lucie Garreau, Technical Regional Manager, EMEA, DuPont Photovoltaic Solutions

Lucie Garreau joined DuPont in 2001 and has held various positions spanning technical service, R&D, production support and quality management for automotive and microelectronic applications. She began working in photovoltaics in 2009 and has been actively collecting and analyzing data on PV material degradation in the field, to help customers and partners make the right material choices that can help protect their assets, beyond the expected system lifetime.

Day 2 - June 10, 2020 | 9 AM – 4 PM (CEST, Berlin)

9:00 AM (CEST, Berlin)

Doors open

10:00 AM (CEST, Berlin)

Session 3: Sustainability Roundtable

Why sustainability matters – challenges and opportunities in manufacturing and technology development in the context of an EU Green Deal.

PV materials, manufacturing, and development practices are being increasingly evaluated in terms of sustainability, bringing both complexity and opportunity. As an economic recovery from Covid-19 brings “green growth” to the fore, how technology, certification, and the corporate social responsibility demands of offtakers can bring sustainability to the fore and deliver a competitive edge.

Speakers include:
Pierre Verlinden, Founder & Managing Director, Amrock
Sebastian Gatz, Vice President, VON ARDENNE
Eszter Voroshazi, R&D Manager, imec
Tom Rommens, Researcher and Project Coordinator, VITO
Bertrand Lempkowicz, PR, Marketing & Communication Manager, PV CYCLE
Jürgen Reinert, CEO, SMA Solar Technology
Michele Vannini, Business Manager, Coveme
Sheila Davis, Executive Director, Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
Nancy Gillis, CEO, Green Electronics Council/EPEAT
Dustin Mulvany, Professor, San José State University
Andreas Wade, Global Sustainability Director, First Solar

10 AM (CEST, Berlin), 1.30 PM (IST, Delhi), 4 PM (CST, Beijing), 6 PM (AEST, Sydney)

11:45 AM (CEST, Berlin)

Interaction & Networking

1 PM (CEST, Berlin)

Session 4: Market Roundtable

Energy powerhouses and small vendors - redefining your role in the context of a PPA based market in the post-corona-era and an emerging hydrogen economy

The subsidy-free era emerged in European PV markets in 2019, enabled by PPAs with utilities and industrial offtakers. With the Covid-19 crisis impacting participants today, how can solar specialists thrive in the new environment and shape must corporate PPAs take? Also, how does the emerging hydrogen economy affect the market?

Speakers include:
Bassam Darwisch, Head of Renewables Origination Germany, Vattenfall Energy Trading
Mateusz Wronski, Head of Product Development, Aurora Energy Research
Christian Pho Duc, Managing Director of Smartenergy Projects, Smartenergy
Ralf Bernhard, Manager C&I Origination / PPA, BayWa r.e. renewable energy
Hanno Mieth, Senior Originator, Vattenfall Energy Trading
Björn Piske, Business Lead Large Scale Solar Development Germany, Vattenfall Energy Innovation
Eckhart Doose, Corporates & Mittelstand, Bayerische Landesbank

1 PM (CEST, Berlin), 7 AM (EDT, New York), 4.30 PM (IST, Delhi), 7 PM CST, Beijing), 9 PM (AEST, Sydney)

2:45 PM (CEST, Berlin)

Interaction & Networking

Speakers | Day 2

Jürgen Reinert, CEO, SMA Solar Technology

After he studied electrical engineering in South Africa, Jürgen Reinert received his doctorate at RWTH Aachen, Germany. From 1999 to 2011, he worked for Emotron AB in Sweden, where in his last position, as General Manager, he was responsible for Technology and Operations. From 2011 to 2014, as Executive Vice President, Technology, he was responsible for the division Power Plant Solutions at SMA. Since April 2014, Jürgen Reinert has been a member of the Managing Board. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer in October 2018.

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