Student winners announced in solar and hydrogen fuel cell car races


The student teams raced solar or hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicles they designed and built themselves.

Trophies for the fastest solar powered model cars were given to Colorado students from The Logan School for Creative Learning (Denver), team name “Thurndercougarfalconbird”, first place; Drake Middle School (Arvada), team name “Drake 4” second place; and Bell Middle School (Golden), team name “3am”, third place.

Three solar design trophies based on technology, craftsmanship and innovation were given to teams from The Logan School for Creative Learning (Denver), team name “Thurndercougarfalconbird”, first place; Southern Hills Middle School (Boulder), team name “SunRizee”, second place; and Lincoln Academy Middle School (Arvada), team name “LAMS 1”, third place.

Three trophies for the fastest hydrogen fuel cell powered model cars were given to teams from The Logan School for Creative Learning (Denver), team name “And the Winner is…”, first place; Fitzsimmons Middle School (Bailey), team name “Overdrive Hydrogen”, second place; and Bell Middle School (Golden), team name “Iron Domino”, third place.

Three hydrogen fuel cell design trophies based on technology, craftsmanship and innovation were given to teams from Woodlands Academy (Castle Rock), team name “Larry the Leaf”, first place; Woodlands Academy (Castle Rock), team name “Bobby the Bullet Train”, second place; and Mead Middle School (Mead), team name “Torpedo”, third place.

Students from Woodlands Academy (Castle Rock), team name “Larry the Leaf”, were awarded the Spirit Award for exhibiting good sportsmanship, including fairness and respectful behavior.

NREL's Junior Solar Sprint and Hydrogen Fuel Cell car competitions are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy’s Golden Field Office, Haselden Construction, Jefferson County Public Schools, Dakota Ridge High School, Warren Tech, Rocky Mountain Bottled Water, the Alliance for Sustainable Energy and NREL.

For more information about the competition go to the Web page,

NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy's primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for DOE by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.