SolarMax in Denmark and Sweden


With the market entry in Denmark and Sweden, the Swiss inverter manufacturer Sputnik Engineering expands its European area of operations northwards. The two promising growth markets are managed by Daniel Freudiger, General Manager of Sputnik Engineering International AG, and are intended to maintain and expand the European customer base in order to implement new projects.

In Denmark and Sweden, decentralized and energy-efficient supply solutions such as photovoltaics become more and more important, particularly since both countries have raised the bar for spatially inclusive and comprehensive power supply from renewable energies until 2020: until that point in time, Denmark is planning to obtain approximately 50% of its energy from renewable energy sources, but has already far exceeded the objective of 200MW of installed capacity set for 2020 in 2012.

Sweden even wants to completely relinquish fossil energy sources and nuclear energy by then. In order to achieve these objectives and to create a reliable network of renewable energies, a large number of new high-quality plants permanently working in a precise manner must be installed. The durable grid-connected SolarMax quality inverters are ideally suited for this purpose.

"Private photovoltaics plants for decentralized and independent energy supply are very popular in Denmark and Sweden. They are particularly suitable due to the geographic peculiarities of the region, e.g. the large number of small islands, or also in less densely populated regions. The grid-connected SolarMax inverters are particularly suitable for reliable energy supply. For instance, the multi-tracking system enables optimal dimensioning of the PV plant, so that the installed modules work efficiently even in weak light conditions in order to guarantee the highest possible energy yield," says Daniel Freudiger, General Manager at Sputnik Engineering International AG.

"Moreover, our SolarMax inverters are robust and durable and are furthermore particularly suitable for own consumption. As a result, concepts such as the Danish Net Metering System where the consumer can let the electricity meter run in reverse when generating excess solar energy can be used ideally."

With the expansion of business operations to Denmark and Sweden, SolarMax continues its international expansion program. Starting in Denmark, SolarMax will present inverters and monitoring solutions at the trade fair "The Solar Future: Denmark" in Copenhagen on March 21, 2013.