Solar Bankability Project outcome: solar is a low-risk investment sector


With more than 100 participants including companies covering the whole photovoltaic (PV) value chain, investors, financers, insurers and research institutes, the workshop was a successful conclusion of a 2-year project.

Speaking at the event, David Moser (EURAC), project coordinator of Solar Bankability, said ‘the project proved that the solar PV industry is mature and there are numerous good practices which can mitigate technical risks and increase financers' trust.' Mr Moser underlined that “In order to further enhance solar PV projects' bankability, standardisation of best practice risk mitigation measures is crucial.”

Francisco Boshell from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) confirmed the findings of the Solar Bankability project. “The benefits of quality infrastructure services outweigh their costs”, he said in his presentation, drawing on IRENA research findings.

“Solar PV is a low-risk sector to invest in”, concluded SolarPower Europe's CEO James Watson, summarising the expert debate on the risks of solar PV investments. The most significant risk factors identified in the debate were related to the regulatory environment and quality infrastructure.

Solar in Europe is more exposed to the market for its financing than ever before. It is therefore crucial that risk factors are minimised for those looking to invest in solar.  The Solar Bankability project has supported the establishment of best practice for professional risk assessment to reduce technical risks associated with investments in PV projects and increase trust from investors, financers and insurance companies.