RatedPower releases new optimizing features on its solar software


Quoting Nacho Álvarez, product manager at the company: “We're very excited to share these new releases. Our clients will find much more flexible options when using our software for designing and engineering their PV projects. Our goal is to serve developers, EPCist and other solar players with powerful engineering tools. Reducing time spent for polishing detailed engineering in later stages of project development.”

Hallo RatedPower!

The UI is now available in German. Their users and clients can pick from English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese and now, German.

Revamped electrical shading loss in our energy yield model.

RatedPower also updated the algorithm behind the electrical shading loss in the energy calculation. The new model includes:

  • The string positioning in the structure, and
  • The losses already incurred in the linear shading algorithm.

All the technical details are available in the Energy Methodology Report, §7.2.2.

Terrain surface generator gets better

RatedPower software uses a terrain interpolation method to generate the PV project surface. We have implemented a new algorithm based in radial basis functions.

The new implementation produces smoother terrain, especially when working on a sparse dataset. The improved terrain is noticeable when analyzing which structures topography filters remove. It also translates to the 3D layout file the solar software produces.

Extra secured software

The whole users can turn on multi-factor authentication. It'll need one-time passwords each time you login. It reduces the risk of having a data leak if the password of one of the users of your account is compromised.

Custom MV cable path to substation

Now RatedPower clients can define the whole MV cabling trajectory between their areas and the step-up substation. The goal is to allow the full customization of the MV routing outside the areas. It shorten the time early-stage developers spend on layout optimization. It allows them a smoother hand-off to the construction team.