Q CELLS modules earn further low-carbon certification for French tenders


This latest certification which follows an earlier CFP certification in January 2019 means that customers in France can now apply for subsidized electricity tariffs

Specifically, Q.PEAK DUO solar modules are certified for installation in projects awarded under the CRE) 4.6 tender the sixth rooftop solar tender under the CRE4 framework and also the CRE 4.4 tender, which is the fourth utility solar tender rolled out under the same framework.

Launched by the French government in 2016, the CRE4 framework is a renewable energy support mechanism that is divided into nine different sessions, covering the two-year period between 2017 and 2019. Solar projects that are awarded contracts under these tenders can receive governmentbacked subsidized electricity rates that are higher than typical market prices for electricity.

However, these projects must be built using components that are certified as low-carbon during their production. The official certification from CRE module series has a carbon footprint of 300 kg-eq/C0²/kWc, attained through a 25% recycled poly SI methodology.
Sustained and sustainable solar growth thanks to France  continues to enjoy encouraging growth as the country aims to reach its government-mandated solar capacity target of between 18.2 GW and 20.2 GW by 2030. Currently, cumulative solar capacity in France stands at just above 8 GW (as of the end of 2018), according to official Environment Ministry of France data.

In securing another low carbon footprint certification for its Q.PEAK DUO modules, Q CELLS is in a good position to strengthen Head of EU Sales, Maeng Yoon Kim: France should be applauded for its measured and sustainable support of its renewable energy industry, and we are delighted that Q CELLS can continue to participate in this journey with our award-winning, low-carbon Q.PEAK

As it is doing so in many other European markets, Q CELLS is registering increasing market share in France, particularly within the feed-in tariff (FIT) sector and CRE tender market thanks to the d renowned high standards, which this year have already been recognized with the Top Brand seal awarded by EuPD Research in Europe, including France.

Stephan Maurel, Head of Sales France, added The ongoing transition within France to a more renewables-based electricity system is an excellent incentive for companies like Q CELLS to continue driving high standards in solar technology innovation and low-carbon production. By transitioning its energy sector in the most eco-friendly way possible, we believe that France can become a role-model for the world.