pvxchange, has announced the appointment of Michael Maximillain Mueller as CEO and Olaf Emmerich as Chief Marketing Officer, follow its recent investment round from WHEB partners. Founder Kai Malkwitz will remain as Managing Director of the original German business based in Berlin – pvXchange GmbH – while Michael Maximilian Mueller will head up a new international arm – pvXchange AG – operativn from new offices in Zug, Switzerland. Along with recruitment and international expansion, the third plank of the strategy will be the development of pvXchange's proprietary trading technology.
Mr Mueller know the business well having served as an advisor to pvXchange for the past two years. He has experience as a technology entrepreneur, as well as having owrked in both the financial sector and corporate sector, in the consumer electronics arm of Sony. He holds and MBA from the IESE Business School in Spain.
Olaf Emmerich also has experience at Sony, where he spent nine years in Marketing and Sales Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria.
A third new hire is Research Analyst Goekhan Demirci, who will focus on developing the market data generated by transactions conducted via the exchange, which will provide unparalleled market transparency around price developments and support of the prediction of future trends.
A US subsidiary in San Fransisco will be fully established in the coming weeks and is currently recruiting a sales and procurement manager to join the management team taht has already been put in place.