Phoenix Solar and Silicon Ranch form strategic aliance


The companies said their first 1.4 megawatt project in the city of Pulaski, Tennessee will be the largest privately owned solar installation in the state. Phoenix Solar, with support from Chapel Electric, has begun construction on the Pulaski solar plant. The company will also provide long-term Operation and Maintenance support to monitor and optimize the plant's ongoing energy production.

The ground-mount solar power project is the centerpiece of a plan by Silicon Ranch to develop the "Pulaski Energy Park," which in addition to the operating power plant will also include a solar training campus consisting of administrative, classroom and service buildings. To build the "Pulaski Energy Park," Silicon Ranch has acquired 25 acres at the Pulaski Industrial Park on Elkton Highway near the city.

Matthew Kisber, Silicon Ranch President and CEO, said, "Developing a solar facility in Pulaski will bring tremendous economic, environmental and social advantages to the region. Our intent is to provide low-cost solar energy with a focus on creating green jobs and increasing capital investments in clean energy here in our state."

Reagan Farr, Silicon Ranch Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer, added, "Silicon Ranch selected Phoenix Solar as a joint development partner because of its reputation for world-class design and engineering as well as its impressive track record of building and operating solar plants around the globe. We have already benefited from this experience on the Pulaski plant, through Phoenix Solar's comprehensive and thorough engineering, design and construction approach."

Paul J. Caudill, CEO and President of Phoenix Solar Inc. went on to say, "Silicon Ranch is helping speed the adoption of solar power in Tennessee, and we are proud to be their partner." He added, "Developing, building and then operating this privately-held solar power plant represents an important energy and environmental milestone for the city of Pulaski, first, and then the state of Tennessee."