Ontario: EthoSolar completes fourth solar project for dairy farmer


The unique requirements of the project included the design and engineering of two 50 kW arrays mounted over two separate barns. The EthoSolar installation team worked with extensive wire length while undertaking massive trenching to bring this project to fruition.

This 100 kW system is now overproducing our original estimates during peak times. We accredit this to our PV solar design methodology. At EthoSolar we take into account how well the modules we select work with the inverters, the balance of components, and the engineering of the overall system. It is this careful attention to detail and the expertise of our staff and partners that enable us to bring to market the best solution for each individual customer. Our systems are designed with competitively priced, best-in-class technology and constructed by a well-trained, knowledgeable crew. It’s one of the many reasons clients such as Lammert Dykstra have returned to EthoSolar multiple times as their partner in PV solar.

“The limited space available for panels on the two barns posed the greatest challenge with this project” explained Sean Hammond, VP of Operations for EthoSolar. “Our solution involved designing a system that would produce despite not having an ideal amount of roof space for a project of this size. We needed to utilize higher wattage panels and chose Canadian Solar CS6P-250's after some modeling in our software. We typically design our installations to allow space on the roof for future maintenance work and ease of access. A balance was struck on this particular project while we achieved a full 20% DC to AC oversize. Beyond the sizing concerns, we also had to ensure an exceptional level of aesthetic. The Dykstra family runs a tidy operation. The appearance of the system had to appear intentional within the design of the barns, and not as an afterthought. In the end, we came up with an ideal solution resulting in a system that is performing wonderfully while complimenting the architecture of each barn.”

The Dykstra family had previously invested in three ground mount trackers and one separate rooftop installation through the microFIT program, demonstrating their commitment to participating in the Green Energy Act and willingness to work with EthoSolar.

“We at Dykstra Dairy chose EthoSolar as our partner in PV for several reasons” shares Marten Dykstra. “The team was well educated and took time to teach us about solar. EthoSolar is a reputable company, which translated well when dealing with our bank.

EthoSolar continually seeks opportunities for designing more efficient PV systems and demonstrates their commitment to innovation through research and staying up-to-date on the latest technologies and best installation practices. It is difficult to expand in the dairy industry since land is expensive and quota being difficult to come by.

Investing in solar through the Ontario Feed-in-Tariff program provided our family and our business an opportunity to generate a second source of income. We recommend any farmer or family seeking to diverse their land use or optimize on unused rooftop space to contact EthoSolar and learn more about their options.”
