Nine in ten Americans think solar should be a bigger part of the country's energy supply


The survey shows that America's commitment to solar is strong, with 80 percent of respondents expecting their elected officials to support solar energy initiatives and 81 percent believing, regardless of who is in office, the White House and other official federal and state residences should use solar energy.

"The continued uptake of solar power can drive considerable economic growth for the American economy and provide critical long-term benefits to the environment," said Danny Kennedy, co-founder of Sungevity and author of new book, Rooftop Revolution, How Solar Power Can Save Our Economy – and Planet – From Dirty Energy. "It's clear that Americans support and see the bottom-line benefits of solar power. I'd encourage anybody with an interest in saving money, creating jobs and powering their home with clean energy to discover the ease and affordability of incorporating solar energy into their daily lives."

Results of the Sungevity Solar Survey show many respondents see the economic and environmental benefits associated with the wider adoption of renewable energy, with 81 percent agreeing that reducing our dependency on coal, oil, nuclear energy and gas is the right thing to do for the environment and the economy.

Other key survey findings include:

Financial Benefits Are Top Reason for Public Support — Seven in ten (72%) say jobs created in the solar energy industry are better for our economy and our environment than jobs created in the coal, oil, nuclear and gas industries. The majority of Americans (four out of five) believe that the increased use of solar power will reduce household energy costs and will help create local jobs.

American Solar Energy Policies Would Lead to Household Savings — Eight in ten (80%) adults agree that biggest benefits that would encourage support for solar energy are financial in nature, such as reduced energy costs (60%), decreased dependence on the fluctuating cost of fossil fuels (26%), federal/state tax credits (21%) and increased home value (12%).

Consumer Education Is Necessary — Many Americans are lacking information about solar energy, with 70% wishing they knew more about renewable energy sources and nearly half (48%) confused about solar energy options.

Consumer Misperceptions On Solar Services Remain — Adults are apprehensive to use solar energy due to the perceived stress of dealing with installation, such as updating electrical systems and dealing with zoning laws (47%). Other reasons for not using solar energy include the belief it may not be available in their area (16%), it wouldn't generate enough energy (19%) or they may not live in a sunny location (12%).

"The survey makes it clear that solar companies must do a better job communicating how easy and affordable it is to incorporate solar power into your home," says Kennedy. "Whether it's the ability to design a solar system through our Sungevity website or getting a system installed for no money down through our solar lease program, companies like Sungevity are trying to make the customer experience with going solar as easy as possible."