Moroccan Minister of Energy, Mining Water and Environment to provide keynote at Energy and Mines London Summit – Jan 28-29, London UK


Morroco, a world mining leader, has set strong targets and invest support for renewables and Minister Amara will address an audience of senior mining, renewables and finance professionals participating in this two-day Summit aimed at outlining the global opportunities for collaboration between mines and renewables.

Operational energy costs are a top concern for global mining operators who spend between 20-40% of operational costs on power. Current business pressures in the sector have increased mines focus on cutting energy costs and many are currently assessing the business case for renewables integration, particularly for remote mines. Energy and Mines London Summit will offer critical insights from global mining operators on energy strategies and opportunities for renewables integration and provide a unique platform for senior mining, renewables and finance experts to network.

“I am looking forward to hearing some of the leading practices out there. There are always lots of amazing presentations [at Energy and Mines Summits], and one doesn’t always get the opportunity to meet with and get views from such an array of participants from bankers to renewables experts to mining companies,” commented Duncan Stevens, Vice President, Group Sustainable Development, who is presenting at the Summit.

“I am hoping to learn more about the cost-effectiveness of using renewables for mining,” added Christian Schaffalitzky, Managing Director and CEO, Eurasia Mining and non-executive chairman of Kibo Mining. “Renewables such as wind and solar do not provide steady baseload energy on their own and this means that their use requires either special situations or innovative management.”

Matthew Bateson, Rio Tinto’s Global Practice Leader, Energy, Environment and Climate, is also presenting and recently commented: “I am looking forward to learning from other companies what what a realistic path towards de-carbonization of our energy supply can look like and how we can partner and innovate around funding structures.”

The Summit agenda features senior executives from major mining houses and junior operations sharing their energy strategies, including representatives from Anglo American, KGHM, Banro, ICL, First Quantum Minerals, Gold Fields, Rio Tinto, GoldQuest, Bacanora Minerals, Alecto Minerals, Berkeley Energy, Eurasia Mining and RHI AG. Along with the latest case studies of renewable energy projects for mines, the event includes critical insight from renewables and finance experts including senior representatives from Knight Piesold, Belectric, Lightsource, HSBC, Cross Boundary, IFC, Napoleon Infrastructure Capital, EBRD, Impala Energy, Annex Power, Blackrock Alternative Investments, Gommyr Power Networks, KfW DEG, and Alexa Capital.

Rocky Mountain Institute and Carbon War Room are hosting a half-day Sunshine for Mines workshop in association with Energy and Mines London Summit, which will bring together senior mining executives and renewables experts to develop collaborative solutions for accelerating deployment of onsite renewables for mines. The focus of this workshop is on breaking down the barriers preventing development of renewable energy systems at mining sites.