MESIA Launches Net-Zero Solar Champions Program: A Bold Step Towards Sustainable Energy


The MESIA Net-Zero Champions Program seeks to galvanize action on climate change by empowering organizations to commit to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by leveraging solar energy.

“At MESIA, we recognize the critical role that the private sector plays in driving the transition to a sustainable energy future,” said
Hinde Liepmannsohn, Executive Director at MESIA. “The Net-Zero Solar Champions Program is a call to action for organizations across the Middle East to lead by example and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.”

Key features of the MESIA Net-Zero Solar Champions Program include:

1. Guidance and Support: Participating organizations will receive expert guidance and support to develop and implement robust strategies for achieving net-zero carbon emissions.

2. Networking Opportunities: The program will facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing among participating organizations, fostering a community of leaders committed to sustainability.

3. Recognition and Visibility: Net-Zero Solar Champions will be recognized for their leadership and commitment to sustainability, enhancing their reputation and brand value.

4. Measurable Impact: The program will track and measure the carbon emissions reductions achieved by participating organizations, demonstrating tangible progress towards the goal of net-zero emissions.

The launch event, sponsored by Nextracker, JA Solar and Envision will gather over 200 solar professionals for networking and short welcome speeches. For more information about the MESIA Net-Zero Champions Program and to register for the launch event, please visit

[About MESIA]: The Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting solar energy and sustainability in the Middle East and North Africa.

For questions about this release please contact Hinde Liepmannsohn