Looking for wholesalers in Italy and France – The Bavarians are drawn to the south


Panels produced in Germany are to be sold in Italy and in France exclusively through wholesalers. Jurawatt is known as an enterprise for its unique solar panel technology across whole of Europe. In order to serve its customers in Italy and France in a better way, the German solar specialist is now looking for local wholesalers.

Any intending wholesaler can promote the brand Jurawatt exclusively as a sole partner for the Italian or French market, thus, benefiting from the know-how and the reliable quality, "made in Germany".

Also, while supporting the projects, the agencies can avail themselves of Jurawatt’s years of experience in all areas of photovoltaic systems at any time. From the classic through basic to premium modules In Bavaria’s Neumarkt, not only are the developmental activities carried out in the research department that has its own testing centre, also the universally deployable solar modules are produced here.

Besides the stable mono- and polycrystalline solar panels, which are capable of withstanding high loads of snow, Jurawatt manufactures also highly heat-resistant panels. The so-called desert panels are suitable for hot regions where extreme weather conditions prevail.

Visit us in Verona: Halle 8 Stand: 16.2.
