Investment held by Gutekunst Holding in Roth & Rau AG


Via Rena GmbH, which is owned and managed by Mr. Gutekunst, Roth & Rau AG and Mr. Gutekunst are linked by a longstanding, positive business relationship in the development and marketing of production technologies for crystalline silicon solar cells.

Based on the information available to the Management Board of Roth & Rau AG, Jürgen Gutekunst intends his investment to cement this longstanding cooperation. In view of these circumstances, the Management Board of Roth & Rau AG does not see any grounds for speculation concerning any potential takeover bid by Mr. Gutekunst.

The voluntary public takeover offer by Meyer Burger Technology AG published on 5 May 2011 remains the sole offer addressed to the shareholders in Roth & Rau AG.

The company's Management and Supervisory Boards continue expressly to uphold the assessment and recommendation submitted in their joint statement on 16 May 2011 pursuant to § 27 of the German Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act (WpÜG).