Innovative Solar Systems discusses investment possibilities with oil & gas developers


Innovative Solar Systems, LLC (ISS) Company's CEO John E. Green announced today that the company is raising capital as it expands its operations to all US states, and that large Oil and Gas Developers have approached ISS on the possibilities of joint venture type partnerships. Mr. Green of ISS has stated that he has serious reservations about partnerships with oil and gas entrepreneurs, as clean and dirty energies do not seem to be a good fit, in his opinion. ISS is currently negotiating with private investors as well as foreign private office capital to determine the best partnerships.

ISS is currently a leader in the development of Utility Scale Solar Farm projects in the US, with 5GW of projects planned for development over the next 12-24 months, and is experiencing an all-time high in profits. Project costs continue to rapidly decline, driving profit margins upwards on large-scale projects. With the extension of the Federal Investment Tax Credits through 2022, the number of projects to be developed will increase, and so will company profits, states ISS's CEO. Innovative Solar Systems, LLC is still searching for the perfect investor partner and the company continues to expand while hiring new Executive Level Positions within the company.