Hypontech named “Top Brand PV 2021” in Poland from EuPD Research


Hypontech, after 2 years of establishment, is entitled by EuPD Research with the Seal of Top Brand PV 2021 in Poland.

EuPD Research, the German agency primarily focused on data-based solar market analysis, has been conducting worldwide surveys and evaluations from the solar installers’ perceptions of various solar brands. Amongst results from Polish installers, Hypontech’s track record was ranked top-notch within the inverter category.

“We have been supporting the PV market and the development of Top PV brands for many years with great pleasure. And as one of the co-founders of the ‘Top Brand PV’ approach, I am very pleased that our continuous manufacturer evaluation, which is in high demand in many other areas of renewable energies, is now also available for installers and end customers in the growing country market of Poland. In a world of rapidly growing opportunities a valid pre-qualification positively supports the purchase decision process.”, comments Leo Ganz, Partner, EUPD Research. „We congratulate Hypontech on receiving the Top Brand PV Award, this is a truly outstanding achievement“.

Hypontech has been active in the Poland PV market for a rather short period of 1 year, right when the Covid pandemic hit hard. Having emerged as the Top Brand PV among inverter manufacturers, Hypontech’s capabilities to convince local installers are recognized via the neutral assessment of EuPD Research.

“We are very pleased and honored with this distinctive seal.” Says John Zhang, Hypontech’s Deputy General Manager of Sales, “The survey from EuPD Research is based on the opinions of those Polish installers who use our products regularly. It confirms and recognizes us as a new solar inverter brand: our products, quality, and services are developing on the right track, and they are convincing more local installers.”

Over the recent 2 years, Poland has grown into one of the most important European photovoltaic markets. The awarding of the Top Brand seal proves that Hypontech has established itself as the new generation among inverter manufacturers. Excellent customer service and high-quality products, in particular the trending HPT 3-phase inverters in Poland, have offered unique advantages for Hypontech in the residential and small commercial solar markets.

“As a ‘Thank you, so to speak, for the ratings we have received from the installers and homeowners from Poland, Hypontech is working on the launch of our new Hybrid storage inverters for the Polish market alongside our Grid-tied 1-phase and 3-phase solutions. We are excited to see how the new products are received by then.” Says Leng Zhou, CEO of Hypontech.

About EuPD Research and the Top Brand PV Seal
EUPD Research has more than 20 years of in-depth expertise in measuring and analyzing the perception of PV market intermediaries and end customers and is globally known as the leading certification body within the solar industry.

EUPD Research is considered as the No #1 institution of high-quality market research in the downstream segment.

‘Top Brand PV’ award is a most recognized certification on a global scale. The ‘Top Brand PV’ analysis is based on decades of research experience and unique evaluation models that stand for utmost quality and objectiveness.