Five contributions of Fraunhofer ISE awarded at SiliconPV 2022


The SiliconPV 2022 awards went to Johannes Greulich for his top-ranked research on „Contactless Measurement of Current-Voltage Characteristics for Silicon Solar Cells”, to Katharina Gensowski for demonstrating „Filament Stretching During Parallel Dispensing – A Way to Reduce Ag Consumption in SHJ Metallization” and to Thibaud Hatt for his paper on „Plated Copper Electrodes for Two-Terminal Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells”.

Daniel Ourinson received a poster award for “Faster Firing Processes up to 20 m/min Belt Velocity”, as well as Jana-Isabelle Polzin, who presented a poster on “Annealing and Firing Stability of in situ Boron-doped poly-Si Passivating Contacts”.

“We are very pleased that Fraunhofer ISE continues to have a respectable place in the silicon PV research community and happy that our young generation of scientists gets this much appreciation for their work,” say Dr. Ralf Preu and Prof. Stefan Glunz, directors Division Photovoltaics – Production Technology and Division Photovoltaics Research at Fraunhofer ISE.

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