The Western Balkan countries must comply with specific EU regulations since they are aspiring to join the European Union. These regulations are trying to fix the energy sector as well. Guided by the Energy Community Treaty, WB countries are on the road to rebuild their energy systems by applying the Energy Efficiency Directives as well as the Renewable Energy Directive.
It has been assessed by different independent institutions, lastly by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), that WB6 countries have significant renewable energy potential.
In undergoing a highly dynamic integration process, reflecting on the current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges is imperative to ensure proper coordination at both the national and regional level for long term sustainable development of the energy sector.
“AE Solar with its 19 years of expertise in the Solar Energy industry is happy to announce that we have partnered with the Serbian leading local company – Dimension Energy to combat the climate crisis in the Balkan region by Solar power. As a member of the UN Global Compact, our dedication is to stimulate renewable energy integration in all countries around the globe and mostly in the countries with economies in transition. According to the researches, significant growth is expected in solar power. Until 2030, the highest growth is expected to be in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, although the highest relative growth can be expected in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. So together with Dimension Energy, we are committed to moving forward with the bigger and more important projects in the Balkans Region. “ – Alexander Maier, CEO and Founder of AE Solar.
DIMENSION ENERGY Doo leading official Distributor AE SOLAR in Balkans providing modules & equipment advisory services in solar projects.
The team of engineers and consultants applies its pioneering experience to all aspects of project development, from project inception through completion of construction and operations. During project development, Infinity leads all aspects of project origination including site evaluation, engineering, real estate procurement, permitting, environmental analysis, power marketing, and financing to see a project through this often-complicated process.
The Group's experiences over 100MW of renewable energy developments in Europe and Western Balkans as well.