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The investments are paying off

Industry opinion: Although the U.S. PV industry has not boomed as predicted, it definitely has enormous growth potential, as Rhone Resch, President of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) recapitulates.

The numbers game

Project pipelines: Developers are fond of talking about project pipelines. Yet tossing out numbers doesn’t tell the whole story.

Time for change

Dear readers, No mid-size firms that construct solar arrays or wind farms can sign insurance policies, set aside provisions for dismantling, etc. without a permit. Of course, there are no major risks, yet those ones that do are certainly well covered. In contrast, oil firms like BP are liable for ridiculously low sums when giant […]

To the New World

Made in North America. Sparked by new solar policies in the United States and Canada, manufacturing activity is booming in North America. Solar companies are announcing new factory plans by the dozens as they seek footholds in a market which has long held the potential, but not the policies to reach industry-moving size. But will it ultimately make sense to manufacture in North America for the long term?

Unseen quality

Module assembly: Generally, module manufacturers offer a 25-year performance guarantee with certificates and quality labels. But certificates and quality labels do not tell us much about the long-term stability of modules. In reality, tests under harsh conditions discover drastic differences in endurance. The modules are to be tested with the greatest care.

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