SolarPower Summit


Two millennia ago, one Greek astronomer measured the Earth’s equator and proved our planet is round. One thousand years later, Galileo would defy the thinking of his day and declare that we revolve around the sun.

It’s human nature to look even to the impossible and see only discovery.

Europe’s Ariane rocket launched satellites into space more than 80 times in a decade. We have an Italian-made, German-engineered laboratory in orbit. Galileo’s legacy lives on in Europe’s world-class navigational system.

What’s next? Delivering a Renewable Europe by 2040. The launch sequence has begun, and we have 16 years until lift off. 

Mission Solar sets out new frontiers: Decarbonising our energy systems, and keeping our planet habitable. Strengthening Europe’s energy supply and defending our security. Empowering citizens and democratising energy.

As we face our future, we draw on the collaboration, the technological advancement, and the political drive that can take us into new worlds. As solar meets deeper challenges this decade, the sector must cross these next frontiers as pioneers before us.

What will the next European Commission and Parliament bring? Can we move beyond the traditional concepts like baseload and back-up? Can we get smarter about industrial strategy? Where will Europe get its solar panels from? Will the public join us in our Mission? How will solar reach all parts of the economy, from transport to heating? What are the solar stories from Member States? What role can Europe and its companies play in the global energy transition?

Join us at SolarPower Summit 2024 to explore these questions, hear from decision makers, and engage with experts across the sector – all aboard Mission Solar!