Solar Vietnam Virtual 2020


#SVV2020 is a project-oriented digital roadshow connecting C&I buyers with developers, financiers, and tier-1 turnkey solution providers. By leveraging the power of technology, SVV serves to supercharge sales and marketing efforts at a time when travel and physical interactions are restricted.

Key Topics at SVV2020:

  • Chasing after 30 December Deadline: Projects and Partners
  • Unleashing the Local Funding Gap: Technology and Bankability
  • Future Buyers' Roadshow: Facilitate RE Procurement after FiT
  • International Cases Study: CAPEX, OPEX, and DPPA
  • Local Product Distribution: Identification and Establishment

We are here to help:


Molly Huang | Programme & Speaker Enquiries 

Zoey Zhu | Conference Programme & Speaker Enquiries