Seconda Conferenza Rete Italiana del Fotovoltaico


Eurac Research's Institute for Renewable Energy inaugurates a new photovoltaic module prototyping laboratory

The photovoltaic prototyping laboratory will make it possible to manufacture prototypes of photovoltaic modules and determine their reliability. The facility includes both process equipment to manufacture prototypes (welding, rolling), aging testing equipment (climate chambers), and characterization equipment (differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), spectrophotometer, solar simulator, colorimeter) to study the individual components of the module and its performance.
One of the main technical purposes of this laboratory is to allow rapid screening of the various components and materials that enter into the composition of solar modules.
The in-house manufacturing of solar modules also allows the composition of each module to be controlled, thus facilitating the identification of the causes of degradation observed in the field during external monitoring.

The laboratory will be officially inaugurated on June 12, 2024 at the conclusion of the second edition of the Italian Photovoltaic Network Conference.

Come visit us to see how we are shaping a brighter future with our new lab!

Register for the event by May 31, 2024

Registration link: Eurac Research new Lab Opening – Laboratory for the prototyping of customized PV modules (