Live QandA: Financing a Green Covid-19 Recovery in the Off-Grid Solar Sector


The event will be comprised of a moderated discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on the off-grid solar sector, as well as an audience Q&A. Panelists will also explore pathways that can expand financing for life-saving solar systems and appliances in order to enable a swift and green recovery. The event, which will be moderated by Leslie Labruto from Acumen, will feature speakers Kat Harrison of 60 Decibels, Laura Fortes of GOGLA, and Alexander Haack of EnDev.

During this Efficiency for Access Appliances are Vital Live Q&A, we will discuss the importance of financing a green recovery with investors and industry experts. Our panel of experts includes Alexander Haack from EnDev, Kat Harrison from 60 Decibels, and Laura Fortes from GOGLA, with Leslie Labruto from Acumen as moderator. The panelists will take a look back at the past year and assess the obstacles the off-grid solar (OGS) sector has faced.

The conversation will also shine a light on how the Efficiency for Access Network is supporting the OGS sector and offering financial solutions that invest in the life-saving appliances and energy systems that can help build a greener, more resilient COVID-19 recovery. The event will host a moderated panel discussion followed by a live audience Q&A.

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