
Since 1994, EUROSOLAR e.V. has been awarding the European Solar Prize to exemplary actors who actively support the renewable, decentralised and citizen-friendly energy transition in Europe through commitment and innovation. Towards the end of each year, the award winners are invited to a celebratory event in changing European cities.

Having previously been held in Prague, Barcelona and Vienna, this year’s edition of the European Solar Prize will be awarded in Bonn, Germany. The award ceremony will take place on Saturday, 17 November 2018, at Kunstmuseum Bonn. After greetings from Lord Mayor Ashok Sridharan and EUROSOLAR President Prof. Peter Droege a panel discussion will take place on the importance of local and regional engagement for a successful European energy transition. Afterwards the winners will be presented to the audience through interviews, presentations and movies. A cosy get-together with snacks and drinks will complete the event and will give the opportunity to talk to winners and guests.

The event is free of charge. More information and online-registration are available at: