EU innovation Project: TRUST-PV insights and three Perspectives


Reuniwatt, EURAC research, BayWa r.e. Italy and Solar Power Europe are dedicated to help achieve a more grid-friendly integration of solar power in the EU and enable optimized grid stability and operations as a result of TRUST-PV, a 4-year research project with over 12 million grant value from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. TRUST-PV is coordinated by the Accademia Europea di Bolzano (Italy) and will be conducted within a consortium of 20 European parties. You can find more information about the project here. To introduce the project and provide more information about our cooperation to interested parties, project coordinator EURAC research and members of the project consortium, Reuniwatt, BayWa r.e. Italy are presenting their view on the project’s scope, supported by a fourth viewpoint through our moderator from SolarPower Europe, and will present their areas of proficiency and planned contribution to the TRUST-PV project.

After this webinar you’ll have an understanding of:

  • TRUST-PV’s main objectives
  • Which solutions are put in place within this project to increase solar PV performance and reliability
  • How TRUST-PV’s results will be tested and demonstrated from fab to field
  • Some concrete examples presented by 4 of the consortium’s members

About the speakers

Máté Heisz is Head of International Cooperation at SolarPower Europe and will serve as chairman for this webinar. He leads the association’s work on Emerging Markets and Lifecycle Quality (including EPC, O&M and Asset Management). He also oversees SolarPower Europe’s international cooperation and research projects and represents the association in global within the IRENA Coalition for Action and the Global Solar Council. Before joining SolarPower Europe in 2017, he spent four years in Tunisia working as a Renewable Energy Advisor at the Tunisian Ministry of Energy on behalf of the German Development Cooperation GIZ. He holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the Free University of Berlin and a Master’s degree in Economics from the Corvinus University of Budapest. Beyond his native Hungarian, he speaks English, German and French.

David Moser coordinates the activities of the Research Group Photovoltaic Energy Systems of the Institute for Renewable Energy, Eurac Research, Bolzano, Italy. His work focuses on characterising indoor and outdoor behaviour, performance, and reliability of PV modules and systems, building integration of PV systems, and monitoring of outdoor PV plants. He is also active in PV potential studies on a regional scale, member of the ETIP-PV Steering Committee and vice-chair of COST Action PEARL PV. He is leading the Subtask “Performance of Photovoltaic Systems” of the IEA PVPS Task 13 is the coordinator of the project H2020 TRUST-PV. He will give an overview of how to increase the integration of reliable PV plants in a grid-friendly way.

Guillermo Oviedo Hernández has been working for BayWa r.e. Italy since 2017, the leading O&M service provider in Italy. His professional path has taken him from Computing Engineering (Bachelor’s degree) to Photovoltaic Engineering (Master’s degree), and now he is a current PhD candidate at Sapienza University of Rome. As part of BayWa r.e.’s R&D department, Guillermo’s main scope of work is on reliability and performance engineering of utility-scale PV plants. Within the TRUST-PV project he is coordinating the tasks on advanced PV field inspections. He will introduce you to innovative O&M concepts for increased PV performance and reliability.

Marion Lafuma holds a BBA obtained at ESSEC Business School, followed by an MBA in Operational Management and Sustainable Performance. She joined Reuniwatt in 2011 when she launched the company’s Mauritian subsidiary. She is then joined the Parisian office in 2013 where she is in now in charge of the firm’s business development. Marion represents Reuniwatt within the TRUST-PV consortium and she will explain why advanced forecasting techniques are a key enabler for grid stability during this webinar.