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Q2 shipments reach 5.8 GW from leading suppliers

Shipments of photovoltaic modules from the leading 20 manufacturers exceeded 5.8 GW in Q2 2013, representing 21% year-on-year growth.

First Solar acquires GE thin film technology unit

First Solar has gained major ground in thin film technology development following its deal with GE and also acquired a pipeline of solar projects in the U.S. and Mexico from Element Power despite a drop in second-quarter revenue.


EC forgoes punitive duties but continues anti-subsidy investigation against Chinese importers

Anti-dumping tariffs and the recent agreement with China on minimum import prices have removed any possible injury to EU companies, making anti-subsidy duties unnecessary, according to the EC.

China-EU solar imports, to cap or not to cap?

The publication of the EU acceptance of Chinese undertakings on minimum prices for solar products was predictably light on detail. The list of participating manufacturers in the trade agreement is more or less comprehensive.


German PV developer derides EU-China deal

The chief operating officer of Gehrlicher Solar says the EU-China agreement “is of no use to anyone” but nevertheless welcomes an end to the dispute-related uncertainty.

EU journal spotlights trade case

The EC has published details on the negotiated minimum import price it approved on Friday that settled the trade dispute over Chinese modules and cells, but several questions remain unanswered.

Asian rivals might undercut Chinese in the EU

IHS predicts solar manufacturers in Taiwan and Korea will soon be able to offer solar products in Europe below the minimum price negotiated for Chinese products last week.

EU member states rubber-stamp panel trade deal

EU member states voted to accept the EU-China trade deal announced by commissioner Karel de Gucht last weekend. An EU press spokesman said no member state had voted against the agreement.

SunPower big in Japan, boosts Q2 profits

The U.S.’ second biggest solar manufacturer returned to profitability in the second quarter. Operating at full capacity, the company is weighing a fab expansion to meet growing global demand, particularly from Japan.

EC refutes claims of tainted data

Allegations from AFASE and affiliated anti-tariff solar companies that the European Commission used biased information in mounting their anti-dumping case against China have not led to an inquiry, say EC officials.

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