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Energy Management Systems

Renewable energy adoption taking off in Rwanda

The European Union has secured a critical raw materials deal with Rwanda, expanding collaboration between the two sides – particularly in the solar sector. A friendly regulatory environment deserves credit for helping to fast-track the adoption of solar, according to local analysts.


Sharp unveils vehicle-to-home EV charger for PV-powered homes

Sharp has developed vehicle-to-home (V2H) electric-vehicle chargers for PV-powered homes, featuring 6 kW of charging/discharging rated power and an input DC voltage of 340 V. The wall-mounted devices are suitable for indoor and outdoor environments.


Optimizing photovoltaic grid integration through active power management

PV systems, surpassing minimum load demands in various regions, necessitate innovative grid integration measures. Active power management (APM), notably curtailment, emerges as a powerful solution here. By actively managing power peaks, PV systems can unlock new possibilities, contribute to grid stability, and enhance their overall value. The new IEA-PVPS Task 14 report encourages a shift in perspective, urging DSOs to explore the potential of APM instead of traditional grid expansion methods.


Weekend Read: Artificial opportunities

Artificial intelligence (AI) is hot right now and is finding central applications in homes and businesses as they move from simple grid connections to self-generation, energy storage, electric vehicle (EV) charging, and load-shifting revenue streams. With AI everywhere, what’s the difference between advanced control, via simple algorithms, and true intelligence?


Energy trade model for interconnected renewable microgrids

Scientists from China proposed a new method for energy trade optimization between interconnected microgrids and the main utility grid. The novel approach utilizes particle swarm optimization and gravitational search algorithms with Nash Bargaining.


High-resolution model to identify hourly usage patterns of residential heat pumps

Developed by scientists from the UK and Spain, the new model uses high spatiotemporal resolution weather data and data from heat pump field trials. It finds “significant regional differences” compared to a British nation-wide estimation.

Weekend Read: The solar-battery-EV dream

For those who combine solar, batteries, and electric vehicles (EVs) at home, driving on sunshine is a realistic goal. However, there are many factors to consider when analyzing the economic payoffs, as well as the technical possibilities and limitations of such systems.


Octopus Energy introduces new residential heat pumps

Octopus Energy has developed new residential heat pumps, with plans to initially market a 6 kW version, followed by larger models in the near future. The UK-based company makes the heat pumps at its facility in Craigavon, Northern Ireland.


What can Western utilities learn from emerging-market peers?

While electric companies in the Global North wrestle with how to keep the lights on as ever bigger solar and wind park capacities come online, developing-world utilities are experimenting with new ways of working and transforming the relationship between themselves and millions of new customers.

Green hydrogen offtakers can shape the industry’s development

With strong government backing; a systems approach to development that views each component of hydrogen production and delivery as a whole; and growing demand, Australia could be on track for a commercially viable green hydrogen industry by 2030.


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