Detailed examination of the National Energy Administration’s official solar PV statistics for China reveals a 200% year-on-year growth in distributed solar. Sector grew by 4.23 GW in 2016.
Rooftop and large-scale solar contributed to estimated 1% reduction in total power consumption in 2016, prompting 1.3% fall in greenhouse gas emissions and rising share of renewables on the grid.
Data from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy analyzed by Mercom Capital Group shows India’s renewable energy installations have crossed 50 GW, setting the country on course to meet its 2022 goal.
Installations are increasing under net metering. Last year 45 MW was added under the program.
The solar arm of the industrial giant becomes the first Indian company to surpass 1 GW of global PV module shipments, shipping 60% of that figure over the past five years.
While global solar power demand increased 50%, new European installations were down 20% compared to 2015, falling to 6.9 GW of new capacity on the continent.
Along with changing its name from Tesla Motors to Tesla Inc. the electric vehicle and battery maker will eliminate the SolarCity brand.
Carbon Tracker and Imperial College London report calls solar power and electric vehicles ‘game changers’ whose potential impact is consistently underestimated by large utilities.
Around 75 jobs will be lost during the microinverter specialist’s restructuring drive, which reflects increased price pressure across the segment, both globally and in the U.S.
It is estimated that last year more than 100 MW was installed in the segment. With the new distributed generation regulation they believe that new business models will lead to a notable increase in the market his year.
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