The system, developed by Spanish specialist Alusín Solar, is being tested by Endesa in a 9.8 MW project for self-consumption. The mounting structure is made with aluminum bars that, instead of being fixed to the roof with screws, are attached through a double-sided adhesive.
The global off-grid solar appliance market began an uneven recovery from the worst ravages of the global pandemic in the second half of last year, according to market body GOGLA, but more finance and policy support must be made available to have any chance of achieving universal electricity access this decade.
Enerpole is based in Carcassonne in the south of France and brings to the German company a portfolio of 600 MW projects, including nearly 300 MW of solar and 300 MW of wind.
Both products are based on 22%-efficient CIGS solar cells and are manufactured in Asia. One of the two devices has a flat design and power output of 80 W and a second product features a nominal power of 30 W and an undulating design.
Victoria’s state government has introduced new rules for solar businesses and energy retailers banning door-to-door sales of products and announcing penalties of up to $1 million for retailers that wrongfully disconnect the electricity of vulnerable Victorians.
A German PV system owner has developed a simple solution intended at preventing the birds from nesting under the modules.
From pv magazine Australia Electricity distributor Endeavour Energy and smart metering company Intellihub have partnered with ten energy retailers to launch the Off Peak Plus program now in operation on the state’s south coast. The program, which so far includes 2,500 homes across Albion Park, essentially allows installed smart meters to dynamically control homes’ hot […]
We are by no means tax pros, but here are three insights to help you see how federal tax credits may benefit your solar project.
The sheer volume of new power lines which will be required to accommodate the rising tide of solar installations ensures copper has been included by the International Energy Agency on its list of minerals which must keep flowing if the energy transition is to stay on course. And it’s not production that’s the potential bottleneck.
Poor and piecemeal implementation of net metering policies is a major roadblock for the uptake of rooftop solar system in India, according to a new report by Asian Development Bank.
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