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Operations and maintenance PV market to treble in four years

A new report examines the O&M market worldwide to 2017. The world’s three biggest O&M providers are American despite the U.S. trailing in terms of installed capacity.

S.A.G. Solarstrom may have to quit solar

The German solar developer S.A.G. Solarstrom says escalating project development costs may render its business model unviable. The news comes after the company announced a major deal for British projects has fallen through.

New York devotes $30 million to large scale solar funding

Governor Andrew Cuomo has released a $30 million fund for projects up to 200 kW in size. The NYSERDA cash can pay up to half the costs of solar projects.

Ontario predicts future energy mix

The Canadian province says renewables – including hydro – will provide 46% of its energy needs by 2025. The prediction came as part of Ontario’s updated Long Term Energy Plan, unveiled this week.

Toshiba to install and operate PV systems on German apartment buildings

The electronics giant plans to sell solar power to residents at lower prices than utilities. Toshiba will initially install 3 MW serving 750 apartments with the aim of increasing capacity to more than 100 MW by 2016.

SolarCity storage solution guards against increasing US power outages

The company’s DemandLogic smart energy storage system has been designed to use stored energy during peak demand hours, while also providing backup during grid outages.

Hitachi to introduce 1 MW storage system

The company is aiming to meet growing demand for energy storage and stabilization solutions as power grids face increasing challenges in coping with ever more renewable energy. Tests are to start in the U.S. early next year.

UK renewable energy industry calls for government support

PV and other renewables lobbyists have called on UK chancellor George Osborne to dismiss the political uncertainty surrounding the industry. But Osborne has a track record in promoting his favored “dash for gas.”

UK: Conergy to build 40 MW of PV plants, further 50 MW in pipeline

Conergy teams up with U.K. partner Camborne Energy to sell 40 MW of solar farms to investors, while also securing full EPC rights for 90 MW project pipeline.

Germany's requirements for a stable, renewables grid

Attendees at the 14th Forum Solarpraxis in Berlin have called for the role of renewables installations in stabilizing the electricity grid to be recognized. Grid representatives acknowledge possibilities but lament the lack of a political framework.

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