Highlights – Page 468 – pv magazine International
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UK government backs national battery facility to tune of £80m

Partnership between Coventry City Council, University of Warwick’s WMG and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership to receive sizable investment from British government to build and maintain world-leading storage research and production facility.


Masdar to build 200 MW floating PV array in Indonesia

Abu Dhabi-based clean energy group Masdar has signed a project development agreement with a unit of Indonesian state utility PT PLN to build a 200 MW floating solar plant.

European PV market expected to grow by 35% in 2018 – GTM Research

European countries such as France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain are all forecast to be gigawatt-scale markets in 2018. Globally, around 606 GW of new PV capacity is forecast to be installed between 2017 and 2022.


EU Energy Committee’s proposal to upgrade 2030 RE target to 35% welcomed

The European Parliament has proposed both an upgraded, binding RE target of 35%, and plans to reduce energy consumption by 40% by 2030. The two resolutions, along with other provisions to remove fees or taxes on self-consumption, now have to be approved in January. SolarPower Europe has welcomed the news, saying the move will boost jobs and investment.


Brazil’s BNDES offers new financing conditions for projects in upcoming auction

The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) has changed its loan committments, and will now cover 80% of the financing of all competing technologies, compared to the previous auctions, where this percentage was granted solely to solar. As in the previous auctions, financing will only be allocated to projects using locally-manufactured equipment.

Burkina Faso commissions 33 MW PV plant

The country’s largest solar facility was officially inaugurated in the presence of French president Emmanuel Macron. The project was financed by France’s Development Agency (AFD) and the European Union.

Solar deployment in developing countries soars by 54% YoY, finds BNEF

A total of 34 GW of new solar power generating capacity came online in 2016 in 71 emerging market countries, finds the latest Climatescope report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.


Danish Energy Agency releases draft plan for joint wind and solar auctions

The introduction of similar auctions was proposed by the government in the summer, and backed by the Danish People’s Party in September.


SUSI to provide $94.3 million to back Canadian storage projects

A fund managed by Swiss investment firm SUSI Partners AG has agreed to provide C$120 million (US$94.3 million) of financing to a unit of energy storage developer NRStor for lithium-ion storage projects in Canada.

Portuguese government backpedals on tax for renewables

The leading party of Portugal’s left-wing government coalition, the Socialist Party, said that the extension of the CESE tax to renewables would have hindered the further development of clean energy across the country.

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