Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana scheme for residential PV. Indian households could technically deploy more than 640 GW of rooftop solar.
India’s NTPC aims to acquire 1.5 GW of bifacial PV modules for the Khavda solar facility in a salt desert near the border with Pakistan. It will require an investment of $2.26 billion.
Reliance Industries is selling REC Solar Holdings’ kerf-based polysilicon manufacturing subsidiary, REC Solar Norway, to Elkem ASA, a silicon-based materials supplier. Upon completion of the sale, it will retain the technology and intellectual property rights for kerf-based polysilicon.
Solar Energy Corp of India (SECI) is accepting bids to set up 1.5 GW of solar PV power projects on a build-own-operate basis. The projects can be located anywhere in India and must connect to the interstate transmission system. Bidding closes on Feb. 23.
Avaada Group has signed an agreement to develop 6 GW of hybrid wind-solar projects in India, with an investment of about $4.8 billion.
Pixon Green Energy is expanding its solar module production capacity to 2 GW per year by adding a 1 GW unit with backward integration into 1 GW of cell manufacturing.
Bluebird Solar, an Indian PV manufacturer, has developed half-cut mono passivated emitter and rear contact (PERC) solar modules based on M10-sized cells. The modules are available with outputs ranging from 400 W to 550 W.
Solar Energy Corp. of India (SECI) has awarded 1.5 GW of electrolyzer manufacturing capacity to eight companies in a recent tender.
NTPC Energy Technology Research Alliance (NETRA) has demonstrated successful hydrogen cooking with a modified cookstove that uses hydrogen from a green hydrogen plant at its campus in India.
Grew Energy has signed a $457.37 million deal to set up a 2.8 GW factory in India. The state government of Gujarat will facilitate approvals for the manufacturing unit.
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