The Chinese module manufacturer said it will now start preparation of the appeal to The Supreme Court of the Netherlands and the European Court.
Slovak manufacturer Agora Solar is planning to build a 150MW factory in Vranow, in the eastern part of the country. The facility will produce glass-glass panels and may reach a capacity of 500MW by 2024.
According to the Korea-based photovoltaic manufacturer, the court of appeal in The Hague has extended the cross-border injunction against Longi. It now applies in eleven countries in which Longi is not allowed to sell the solar modules affected by the patent litigation, Hanwha Q-Cells states.
The company’s German customers can buy, together with the modules, CO2 certificates so that the products are completely neutral. According to the manufacturer, the additional costs are about €11 per module.
The Chinese manufacturer has presented new products based on its lithium-iron phosphate battery technology. Their capacity ranges from 10.6 to 639.6kWh.
The German battery manufacturer said this week its residential storage systems were automatically switched to a regulated stand-by mode in Germany. The background to the remote shutdown is three reports of explosions in houses in which Senec products were installed.
Megasol said the solar module relies on new back-contact technology that is able to reduce internal resistance, ohmic losses and cell spacing.
Developed by Germany-based hydrogen specialist Enapter, the EL 4.0 electrolyzer is based on a patented anion exchange membrane (AEM) technology. Commercial production is currently being prepared at the company’s Italian plant and the first shipments should be made in the summer.
The cumulative capacity of all PV systems in Germany reached 56.7 GW at the end of January.
A recent report from HTW Berlin and Verbraucherzentrale NRW reveals that, between 2020 and 2021 alone, around 128.000 new plug-in solar arrays, totaling 51MW of generation capacity, were installed in Germany.
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