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Solar AI: Made in Turkey

Celebrating its one year anniversary during Solarex, Turkish monitoring and AI startup Solarify is looking to reduce false alarms from utility scale PV projects. Based out of an incubator in Ege University in the coastal city of Izmir, Solarify is on the hunt for international partners.


Foreign modules tied up in red tape at the Turkish border

As the Turkish market cools as the result of a policy vacuum, rumors are now circulating that its developers and installers are being hampered by restricted module imports. While some exceptions apply, claims are the measures, described as “blatant protectionism” by some are damaging the market.

Victoria to require installers to sign CEC’s Code of Conduct for Solar Homes

The Victorian government is giving smaller solar installers eight months to sign up to the Clean Energy Council’s Solar Retailer Code of Conduct if they want to qualify for the Solar Homes program. For larger retailers, the deadline to become Approved Solar Retailers is July.


Canadian Solar CEO: Storage key to sustaining long-term, stable Australian PV market

Canadian Solar has been acquiring utility-scale projects and signing module supply and EPC deals at a rapid pace in recent months. Shawn Qu, Canadian Solar’s founder and CEO, would prefer the market to continue at a stable level, rather than boom and bust. And he argues that the dual role of module maker and developer delivers valuable insights into pricing and technology trends — giving the company an advantage over rivals. 

The weekend read: Double glass can spell double trouble

Glass-glass modules are built to survive the toughest conditions and can deliver module lifetimes far exceeding the 20-30 years expected of glass-foil. The module concept is ideally positioned to catch the building bifacial wave, but only if quality concerns are addressed, warn some experts in the field.


Financial backing for study of grid effects in Australia’s booming distributed generation market

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency has awarded AU$9.6 million in grants for five projects and seven studies into the role of distributed generation assets on the grid – and how to expand their penetration.


The weekend read: From solar to gas

The opportunities for power-to-gas have long interested the solar community, but large-scale projects have been exceptionally rare. The outgoing CEO of SolarPower Europe, James Watson, has presided over a transformative period at the organization, and departed in January to head up Eurogas – right at the point the region’s solar sector is set for revival. Advancing a power-to-gas agenda, Watson tells pv magazine editor in chief Jonathan Gifford, will be a big part of his new challenge.


Australia on track for 50% renewables by 2024, at “zero net cost”

Clean energy is driving the country to its Paris commitments well ahead of schedule. The Australian National University published findings today that conclude Australia is on track to hit 50% renewable electricity in 2024 and 100% in 2032 – at a net cost “of approximately zero”. Despite the good news, the Clean Energy Council warned federal policy may see the opportunity squandered.


Australia: Large scale solar generation trebled in 2018 as renewables passed 20% share of national electricity output

The contribution of PV to Australia’s electricity generation mix hit record highs last year, according to new figures published today by Green Energy Markets. The electricity generated by new rooftop solar was 86% higher than in the previous three years and utility-scale PV output trebled to pass the 1 TWh milestone.


Sungrow on the MENA market: “Of course, the bigger, the better”

Having equipped a three-digit MW volume of large scale and distributed generation projects throughout the region, Sungrow is ready for a rapid regional expansion. EMEA general manager Derek Huang told pv magazine at the World Future Energy Summit about his expectations across all market segments.


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