Ian Clover – pv magazine International
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Webinar Q&A: Calculating large-scale PV costs

No two solar markets are ever the same, and all are buffeted by unique conditions that can affect development costs. And the larger the plant, the greater the impact of such external forces in shaping the investment outlay and potential return on income. These issues and more were addressed during a recent pv magazine webinar titled: Has large-scale solar got its sums right?

Storage pipeline grows to 10.4 GW, installations reached 1.9 GW in 2017, finds IHS Markit

Analyst data records 53% annual growth in storage in 2017, rising to 1.9 GW as South Korea climbed to top of the tree in terms of cumulative capacity. Global project pipeline has soared to 10.4 GW.


Solar to top 104 GW of new installations this year, finds GTM Research

Latest Global Solar Demand Monitor from GTM Research forecasts 6% annual increase in PV installation growth, although current largest markets will register 7% contraction while geographic diversification poised to grow.

Sterling and Wilson creates new hybrid and storage business, targets 1 GW installations

The Indian multinational EPC has this week unveiled a new global division that will focus on the development of power+storage hybrid solutions. The new unit will focus initially on lighting up remote islands and has an installation target of 1 GW.

Latest 200 MW Jordan solar tender attracts 16 technical bids

Companies and consortia from China, Europe, and domestically have lodged technical and financial offers to build four 50 MW solar plants in Jordan’s Maan Development Zone, the government reveals.

Lithium-ion battery prices could rise as cost of cobalt shoots up, warn analysts

Price of cobalt, a raw material used in lithium-ion batteries, rose 26% in the first quarter of the year, following 114% annual increase in 2017, finds EnergyTrend. Suppliers may look at ways to lower cobalt content in new iterations, experts say.

Global investments in small-scale solar rise 16% in Q1, one of few sectors to buck downward trend, finds BNEF

New quarterly figures from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) show that investments in solar PV arrays of less than 1 MW hit US$14.3 billion worldwide in Q1 against 10% year-on-year contraction in global renewable investments.

GCL-Poly creates JV to build new 20 GW mono ingot fab in China

The Chinese solar energy firm announces details of joint venture with the Qujing Municipal Government in China to build a 20 GW monocrystalline ingot facility in Qujing.


Bentley Motors to install UK’s largest solar car port

The 2.7 MW installation will be located at the luxury car maker’s factory headquarters in Crewe, England, and will meet 24% of the site’s electrical energy requirements.

Renewables set to lower UK’s summer demand for grid electricity, says National Grid

Rise in small scale solar contributing towards new trend of falling summertime peak transmission system demand on U.K. grid, says outlook report. Inflexibile gas and nuclear plants may be curtailed to make way for solar and wind.


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