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India to benefit from Russian MOU with large-scale solar projects, manufacturing

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Russian Energy Agency (REA) and Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) will see both large-scale solar PV projects deployed, and manufacturing facilities established, in India.

UK hits 8.4 GW of solar capacity

According to the latest figures from the U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), cumulative solar PV capacity reached 8.4 GW in November, up from just 223 MW in 2011. This represents installs totaling 3.4 GW in the first 11 months of 2015. A Q1 boom is expected, before the new FIT cuts take effect.

Taiwan ups solar FITs, sets 500 MW 2016 target

Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs has released new tariffs for solar PV. To boost activity in the region, a 12.5% increase in tariffs has been set for installations in the northern part of the country, and in Miaoli County. Other installations will see tariffs rise 5.6%. Overall, 500 MW are being targeted next year, while cumulative capacity should reach 8.7 GW by 2030.

Italy: Quercus, Swiss Life acquire ASI, 77.1 MW solar portfolio

Quercus Assets Selection and Swiss Life Asset Managers have acquired Antin Solar Investments (ASI) and its 771. MW Italian PV portfolio, worth EUR 310 million. The transaction should be finalized in Q1 2016.

BayWa sells another UK solar farm

BayWa r.e. has sold another U.K. solar project this year. The 24.2 MW PV park has been acquired by CEE Management GmbH for an undisclosed sum.

EU: Anti-circumvention duties for Chinese solar products shipped via Taiwan, Malaysia

Anti-circumvention duties of 53.4% and anti-subsidy duties of 11.5% are to be applied to Chinese solar PV panels and cells shipped from Taiwan and Malaysia to the EU, after the European Commission (EC) found evidence of duty dodging. They will be applied retroactively. Companies have until January 6 to comment on the ruling, with a final decision expected by the end of February.

Martifer Solar expands Spanish O&M portfolio by 31 MW

Martifer Solar has added solar PV plants totaling 31 MW to its operation and maintenance (O&M) portfolio in Spain.

61 MW solar project completed in Denmark

Representing the largest project of its kind in Scandinavia, a 61 MW solar PV plant has been completed by Wirsol in Denmark. More projects are being planned by the company in the region next year.

India: 6.5 GW of solar to be auctioned in next 3 months, record tariffs expected

A total of 6.5 GW of solar projects are expected to be up for auction in the next three months, says Bridge to India. In addition to intense competition, it forecasts a sharp reduction in tariffs, particularly for the upcoming auctions in Rajasthan and Karnataka.

Partial victory for UK solar industry, huge job losses still expected

The U.K. Government has set the new solar PV tariffs. Representing a partial victory, cuts will not be severe as anticipated – 64% instead of 87% for residential – however, fears are nearly 19,000 jobs could still be lost. Quarterly caps have also been imposed which, says STA, could be damaging. Solar can still be a “reasonable” investment, it concludes. The new rates will come into effect on February 8. Despite the limited success, harsh criticism has been aimed at the government, particularly in light of its decision to end ROCs and grandfathering.

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