Oxford PV unveils 26.9% perovskite tandem module efficiency record


Only minutes into Europe’s largest solar and energy storage event and the first world record has tumbled. Oxford PV has announced a record-setting perovskite tandem module efficiency record – 26.9% for a 60-cell “residential sized” module.

The module has a surface area a little over 1.6 m square meters (1m x 1.7m) and weigh slightly less than 25 kg, “the ideal size for residential applications,” Oxford PV notes.

The record-setting module result has had its efficiency by the Fraunhofer CalLab, so the result can be trusted. The module was assembled by Oxford PV in-house.

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Chris Case, Oxford PV’s CTO said that “people have been hearing the perovskite story for a decade, we’ve actually produced the solar cell and the product that will get in to the hands of our customers. “I was really peeved we couldn’t get past 27%, we missed it by 1.5W. But the result is well within the uncertainty of the measurement, by the way.”

Oxford PV has its solar cells assembled by third-party module manufacturers under contract. More perovskite-tandem module releases using Oxford PV cells are expected later this week in Munich.

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