JinkoSolar claims 33.24% efficiency for perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells



Chinese solar module producer JinkoSolar said it has achieved a 33.24% power conversion efficiency for a perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell based on n-type wafers.

The company said the results have been certified by the Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology under the CAS. In its previous attempts, JinkoSolar achieved a cell efficiency of 32.33% for the same device configuration.

“This breakthrough in conversion efficiency for the perovskite/TOPCon tandem solar cell has been achieved through various materials and technology innovations including ultra-thin poly-Si passivated contact technology, novel light-trapping technology, intermediate recombination layer with high light transmittance and high carrier mobility, and efficient surface passivation technology using hybrid materials,” the manufacturer said, without providing any additional technical details.

Chinese manufacturer Longi holds the world record for perovskite-tandem solar cell efficiency, achieving 33.9% efficiency in November 2023. A few months earlier, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) announced a perovskite-silicon tandem device with an efficiency of 33.7%.

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