Leapton Energy increases PV module capacity in China to 3.5 GW


Japan-headquartered Leapton Energy Co., Ltd. has expanded manufacturing capacity at its location in Changshu, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province.

The manufacturer said it will raise the facility's annual production capacity to 3.5 GW. “In 2021, the company completed Phase 1 expansion to reach 2 GW. Phase 2 in 2023 brings the capacity to total 3.5 GW,” Global Sales Director, Leapton Energy, Jeff Chau told pv magazine.

Leapton Energy had a capacity of 600 MW at the end of 2020 and 2 GW at the end of 2022. It makes modules for both rooftop and utility scale markets, which it is selling in Europe, Japan, Australia and South America, according to Chau. The products have a power range from 410 W to 600 W and are available in n-type full-black, bifacial versions in larger 182mm and 210mm sizes.

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The company is also offering a line of residential batteries. “We are selling our energy storage solutions in Europe. Models for the Australian market are in development,” said Chau.

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